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Core407V, STM32F4 Core Board
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Core407V, STM32F4 Core Board

Core407V, STM32F4 Core Board

  • Производитель: Waveshare Electronics
  • Под заказ
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  • Отправка возможна 25 июля
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Кратность заказа 1 шт
2 500,21
Core407V, STM32F4 Core Board
Core407V, STM32F4 Core Board
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STM32 small board with the STM32F407VET6/STM32F407VGT6 MCU, full IO expander, JTAG/SWD debug interface

STM32F407VET6 development board


Core407V is a small STM32 development board that features an STM32F407VET6 device as the microcontroller, supports further expansion. It is ideal for starting application development with STM32F family.

As a minimal ready-to-run system, the Core407V integrates USB communication interface, JTAG/SWD programming/debugging interface, clock circuit, USB power management, boot mode selection, and so on.

Furthermore, pin headers on the backside allow the Core407V to be plugged-in your application board and act as the MCU core circuit in your system. All the I/O ports are accessible on the pin headers, and the header pitch is designed as 2.54mm.

What's On Board

STM32F407VET6 development board on board resource

  1. STM32F407VET6:the high performance STM32 MCU which features:
    • Core: Cortex-M4 32-bit RISC
    • Feature: a full set of single-cycle DSP instructions
    • Operating Frequency: 168MHz, 210 DMIPS/1.25 DMIPS/MHz
    • Operating Voltage:1.8V-3.6V
    • Package:LQFP100
    • Memories: 512kB Flash, 192+4kB SRAM
    • MCU communication Interfaces:
      • 3 x SPI, 3 x USART, 2 x UART, 2 x I2S, 3 x I2C
      • 1 x FSMC, 1 x SDIO, 2 x CAN
      • 1 x USB 2.0 high-speed/full-speed device/host/OTG controller with dedicated DMA, ULPI and on-chip full-speed PHY
      • 1 x 10/100 Ethernet MAC
      • 1 x 8 to 12-bit parallel camera interface
    • AD & DA converters: 3 x AD (12-bit, 1μs, shares 24 channels); 2 x DA (12-bit)
    • Debugging/Programming: supports JTAG/SWD (serial wire debug) interfaces, supports IAP
  2. AMS1117-3.3 (on bottom side): 3.3V voltage regulator
  3. MIC2075 (on bottom side): onboard USB power management device
  4. Power supply switch, powered from 5Vin or USB connection
  5. Boot mode switch, for configuring BOOT0 pin
  6. Power indicator
  7. Reset button
  8. 8M crystal oscillator
  9. 32.768K crystal (on bottom side), for internal RTC with calibration
  10. JTAG/SWD interface: for debugging/programming
  11. USB connector, used for establishing USB communication between PC and the STM32 development board
  12. IO expander (including VCC/GND), all the MCU pins are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion
  13. 5Vin pinheader, 5V power supply is required when using USB HOST/OTG
  14. USB jumper
    • short the jumper when using USB
    • open the jumper to disconnect from I/O ports
  15. VBAT selection jumper
    • short the jumper to use system power supply
    • open the jumper to connect the VBAT to external power, such as battery
  16. VREF selection jumper
    • short the jumper to connect VREF+/VREF- to VCC/GND
    • open the jumper to connect VREF+/VREF- to other custom pin via jumper wire



Note: Core407V provides JTAG/SWD debugging interface, yet does NOT integrate any debugging function, a debugger is required. Mother board and programmer/debugger in the photos are NOT included in the price.

JTAG/SWD Interfaces

The figure 1, figure 2 shows the header pinout of JTAG, SWD interface respectively

Figure 1. JTAG Header PinoutJTAG Header Pinout
Figure 2. SWD Header PinoutSWD Header Pinout

Development Resources

  • Related software (KEIL etc.)
  • Examples in C
  • Schematic (PDF)
  • Development documentations



STM32 MCU core board dimensions

Комплект поставки

  1. Core407V development board x 1
  2. USB type A to Mini-B cable x 1
Waveshare Electronics
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499 ₽
Доставка в течение 1 дня
1 487 ₽
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5 267 ₽
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399 ₽
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1 499 ₽
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